SERVISOL DEFLUX 160. An aerosol flux remover and PCB cleaner which removes fluxes and residues from PCBs and electronic components, evaporates after use, leaving parts clean and dry. Not for use on live electrical equipment. Extremely flammable. Size: 200ml
SERVISOL DEFLUX 160. An aerosol flux remover and PCB cleaner which removes fluxes and residues from PCBs and electronic components, evaporates after use, leaving parts clean and dry. Not for use on live electrical equipment. Extremely flammable. Size: 200ml
SERVISOL DEFLUX 160. An aerosol flux remover and PCB cleaner which removes fluxes and residues from PCBs and electronic components, evaporates after use, leaving parts clean and dry. Not for use on live electrical equipment. Extremely flammable. Size: 200ml